Google Pagerank update oktober 2009

Sudah sekian lama blog ini bertengger di PR 4 akhirnya pada bulan ini tepatnya tanggal 30 Oktober 2009 google pagerank update kembali dan memberikan blog saya nilai PR 5, mudah-mudahan sih PR ini valid karena pernah salah satu blog saya yang sebelumnya baru 1 bulan di buat dan belum memaksimalkan konten yang ada karena merupakan blog untuk utak-atik template dan isinya hanya postingan gambar dan sedikit tulisan di beri om google PR 4, alangkah senangnya hatiku ketika itu, ( bisa buat nambah earning baru nih  - red) tetapi ketika di cek 2 hari kemudian anjlok menjadi N/A yang artinya  PR blog tersebut tidak ada (not available), gagal deh mau memaksimalkan blog tersebut mengingat alamat url blog tersebut sesuai dengan temanya.
Ternyata ga hanya blog ini saja yang update pageranknya pada bulan oktober 2009, saya cek blog-blog yang saya kelola pageranknya update semua dan semuanya mengalami kenaikan, dan yang bikin saya senang ada 3 blog yang PR 5 sisanya PR 4 dan PR 3 paling rendah PR 2, sayangnya blog-blog tersebut kurang saya perhatiin sehingga dalam segi traffik masih kecil. Ya walaupun begitu saya sih antispasi tidak terlalu excited mengingat google pagerank bisa berubah tanpa kita ketahui. Mudah-mudahan blog sobat blogger juga mengalami kenaikan dan bisa memaksimalkan pendapatan dari blog tersebut.

Earn money from in text ads

Are you still searching for the best text advertising? Today there is some information which can help us on earning money from text advertising. If you are a blogger or website owner, you will see that there are many types of text advertising offer to you. You can get a lot of money while just receive advertising link on your website. Probably you are thinking hard how to make a right decision to choose while there are many types of text advertising available nowadays.  Well, this is your best lucky time because I want to share about the best link advertising I ever known.
First you will know that text advertising’s types are such as link post, in text ads, text link ads, etc. I will recommend you for the simple way to make your website monetization which is in text ads because it is quick and easy to install with no any changes to your website. Infolinks is the best in text ads to earn money which will automatically insert highly relevant in-text ads into your website content, and of course ensuring record high conversion rates and higher advertising revenues. It is in-text ads program which usually shows as a double-underlined link.
Perhaps now you will ask how to setting infolinks on your website? Well, all you need to do is copy the java script code which they provide for you into either the header of footer of your site and it will automatically start to generate the in-text Ads. You can login to the infolinks control panel on every single day and check how many clicks you received and then how much money you earned and start ads on your site.
You will also know that the best part of infolinks is you are really received a payment for using their in-text Ads on every month. About the support part, you can contact their support team many times in last one month for adding new sites. You will know that the response from the team always within 24 hours. Then you will feel satisfied if you are join infolinks soon.
Well, infolinks is a service that provides and quick and easy way to generate money online through in-text advertising. Have a nice try !

Software untuk membuat tab menu CSS

Buat sobat blogger yang tertarik dengan dunia web design tentunya penggunaan tab menu sangatlah penting sebagai navigasi menu untuk web yang akan kita buat, namun kadang kalanya waktu kita lebih banyak tersita untuk membuat layout ataupun gambar menu tersebut dengan pengolah gambar seperti adobe photoshop, gimp, ataupun pengolah gambar lainnya belum lagi kita mengubahnya ke dalam bentuk CSS. Kali ini saya menemukan salah satu tools untuk memudahkan buat sobat blogger dalam hal mengkustomisasi tab menu ini, sehingga akan lebih memudahkan sobat dalam membuat tab menu untuk desain web kita, terlebih tool ini juga dapat mengkonvertnya ke dalam bentuk kode CSS sehingga kita tidak perlu di repotkan lagi dengan hand coded yang tentunya perlu extra effort buat pemula seperti saya. Tool ini cukup ringan dengan ukuran file 1,45 MB dan software tab menu CSS ini sangat mudah di gunakan dalam pengaplikasikannya apalagi software ini gratis alias FREEWARE!!!
Software tab menu CSS ini menyediakan beberapa menu style CSS bawaan yang lumayan menarik, baik itu model horizontal tab menu maupun yang vertikal tab menu, jadi tinggal pakai saja karena sudah di sediakan kode HTML dan CSS nya sungguh sangat simple dan efektif menurut saya, karena dengan sofware tab menu CSS ini memudahkan kita dalam membuat menu-menu CSS tanpa perlu kita di pusingkan dengan hand coded atau menulis kode HTML atau CSS nya. Kalau sobat  blogger berminat silahkan download langsung aplikasi gratisan  tab menu CSS  klik di sini.

Berikut screenshootnya :

Mailing list for your business

Have you ever heard about “mailing list” before? Here you will get an-updated information about mailing list. First, perhaps you have to know what mailing list is, and then how much important mailing list is for you. Here is I will tell you more about it, hope you will enjoy with this best information. Well, mailing list is one of the most important databases for any organization to prepare a list to help them for making the strategy. That is why that many organizations also need mailing list to build their company business plan. When they have to analyze and prepare company business plan, they will need such an accurate business and consumer database. Then they can get their right market and also reach their company goal.
So I will recommend you to choose “The List Company”, why ? Because The List Company is a mailing list company that has one of the largest databases which contains in excess of 14 million US businesses and 300 million US consumers. They are a database list broker leader in the list industry providing the most effective resources for all your direct mail and telemarketing list needs. Some of the products that we have include, consumer lists, business lists, telemarketing lists, mortgage mailing list, and specialty response lists. The mailing list or telemarketing list that you receive from The List Company is highly targeted data and is guaranteed in writing.
Well, what are you waiting for ? Just contact The List Company, you can also choose from their business selection criteria for example based on Full Address, ZIP Code, Telephone Number, Website Address, Annual Sales Volume, Gender of Key Executives, Size of Yellow Page Ad,Ticker Symbol, News Headlines, Name & Title of Executive, Consumer Mailing List, Professional Specialties, Type of Business, Marketing List, etc.