Does free templates meaning for you ?

Many template maker give you for free a wonderfull theme, nothing else it just for you, with so many free templates you can choice your option to freely decide themes or templates for your blog or website, they did'nt pay for their hard work to make a wonderful themes. They want their work be appreciate and give them feedback to make their work being better, generally they put some links in to templates for anyone known who is the template maker, but sadly most people delete this credit link because they want their website or blog look like they make own self. Did you such people like that? I hope you did not, just remeber please dont remove credit link, template maker spend so many hour to make amazing template for you. I hope you understand why we concern about this issue.


  1. Thanks for your free template, Simple Box Reloaded! It is working wonderfully on my blog,

  2. hi guys, thanks for template :)

  3. gagal pertamax :(
    ngak apa2 deh
    makasih template nya mas mochal

  4. Yups, we still learn about appreciation and copyright. Moga2 aja yang pada ngilangin credit link nyadar ya kang.

  5. Kita akan merasa puas dan bangga bila template yang kita berikan secara gratis digunakan oleh orang banyak, namun kita akan kecewa sekali apabila seseorang dengan alasan apapun merubah html credit yang telah kita pasang pada footer dari template tersebut.

  6. wow template yang keren nih kang, wah lama juga gag main sini...pastinya ketinggalan pelajaran nih ane kang, bagaimana kabarnya malam ini

  7. tenang mas saya blogger yang baik dan tidak sombong kok *hallah* kredit footer engga lagi tak hapus (dulu pernah soale hehe). bahkan meskipun saya bikin bloog theme, hanya publikasi ulang dengan ijin dari yang bersangkutan (termasuk mas Subagya)tanpa merubah dan menambah sedikit pun kredit footer


  8. as for me, I never delete the credit link in footer.. :)

  9. I always respect the template creator. c'mon guys, appreciate their wonderful works.. :)

  10. terima kasih atas template-template yg udah di share
